ADU Q/A: Confused? Frustrated? Want Answers not guesses?
Bring Us Your Questions We’ll Give You The Answers.
ADU Q/A. Whether you’re trying to decide on a site built vs a factory built option, the size, architectural style, floor plan, where to best place it on your lot/parcel, site preparation, installing and connecting your utilities, permitting and most importantly how to pay for it, our ADU Q/A will be here for you every Monday from 12-1 starting November 3rd.
ADU Q/A: Bring your brown bag and any/all questions you have about your BACKYARD HOME project.
Feel free to submit your questions, topics, ideas and suggestions to the our weekly forum in advance on the comment window when you sign up to attend. We will address them before we start taking questions from our audience.
Our first MeetUp will focus on the basic difference between a ground up site built vs a factory built option. Learn about the construction process, the time it takes to build and the dramatic cost difference between the two. But do know that we are open for any/all questions and not limited to any specific theme.