SB 1211 Calling all Multi-family property owners and developers!

October 29, 2024 Janeene Lovell


SB 1211 has been approved as of September 19, 2024 and filed with Secretary of State September 19, 2024, and goes into effect starting 2025. SB 1211 represents a significant shift in California’s approach to multi-family properties. It addresses the state’s persistent housing crisis by allowing greater flexibility in the development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).

Just how many ADU’s can I build on my Multi-family property?

SB 1211 increases the allowable number of detached ADUs from two to eight on lots with existing multi-family buildings. However the number of units you can build depends on the number of units already present on your property. It is permissible to build up to 8 as long as the number of ADU’s you are building does not exceed the number of units already on the lot! The legislation opens up new opportunities for property owners and developers to enhance property value and supply additional housing.

This change particularly benefits urban areas where available land is scarce. Moreover, the bill’s amendments to parking requirements and local regulatory standards further streamline the development process. SB 1211 removes the necessity to replace converted parking spaces and limits local agencies’ ability to impose additional restrictions, thus SB 1211 simplifies the path for ADU development. However when considering adding more multi-family ADU’s we believe that it’s important to consider parking as part of your development and plan.

Lastly, SB 1211 provides clarification of “livable space” and ensures a more consistent understanding of what constitutes habitable areas within these units. This will help to facilitate a more straightforward planning and compliance process.

Overall, SB 1211 is poised to significantly impact housing development dynamics, promoting increased density and a resourceful use of existing multi-family urban spaces.



If you are looking to develop your multi-family property and would like a reliable and experienced contractor please reach out to COAT Design Remodel and Schedule a 30 minute phone consultation so we can discuss your project. If you are looking to build a custom ADU we would love to help! We offer a full spectrum of ADU Solutions from Manufactured ADU’s to Custom, garage conversions, JADU’s and more!

Approved SB1211






Crest Homes is happy to introduce the release of the long-awaited Backyard Home Guide: Everything You Need To Know About Building An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU).

Now available on our website, this normally $19.95 publication is offered exclusively to all Crest Backyard Home subscribers and followers for only $14.95.

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